En tres años logro perder 24 kilos y tonificó diferentes áreas de su cuerpo. (Foto: Instagram)
En tres años logro perder 24 kilos y tonificó diferentes áreas de su cuerpo. (Foto: Instagram)
Redacción Mag

El divorcio es un proceso largo que no termina cuando la pareja se separa, sino cuando uno se recupera y deja de sufrir por el fin de la relación, dando paso a una nueva vida donde podemos ver nuevamente hacia delante, con la confianza recobrada. Ese es el caso de Joan MacDonald, una abuelita que ha sorprendido en las redes sociales, tras convertirse en una influencer de vida fitness en , después de haber estado deprimida por el fin de su matrimonio.

Luego de pasar por una crisis emocional producto de un divorcio y presentar problemas en su salud como artritis, hipertensión y altos niveles de colesterol, Joan MacDonald de 73 años de edad decidió darle un drástico cambio a su vida y con la ayuda de su hija, la entrenadora Michelle MacDonald, empezó a hacer ejercicio y encontró en el deporte una vía para mejorar su estado emocional y de salud.

''Hace 3 años comencé este largo y lento viaje y ahora me doy cuenta de que realmente no tiene fin. En cualquier momento podemos tomar la decisión de cambiar. No importa cuán difícil o desafiante sea la vida, debemos mantenernos firmes en nuestro objetivo y seguir avanzando'', comentó Joan en una publicación de .

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Don’t worry about how far you have to go or even how many times you’ve tried before to make change happen. Just focus on your day-to-day efforts, be joyful about the small changes you’re making, and build up faith in yourself with each successful day. It’s not about how fast you progress, it’s about your consistency and your love of the process. Love the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Love your effort. Love yourself. .. Thank you @strongfitnessmag for sharing my story. If you want to read more about my journey from obesity to health at 70, please check out the link in my bio. ⬆️⬆️ —> https://www.strongfitnessmag.com/motivation/get-inspired/stronger-than-ever/ . With love, Joan 💕💕 . . . #transformation #weightloss #fatloss #fitness #inspo #fitspo #strongwomen #womenwithmuscle #womenwholift #fitover70 #agingbackwards #silverhair

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

Fue así como en tres años logro perder 24 kilos y tonificó diferentes áreas de su cuerpo, transformándose en una influencer de vida fitness. A través de su cuenta de , Joan MacDonald publica sus rutinas de ejercicio, ideas de comidas y comparte constantemente fotografías de su antes y después, buscando inspirar a más personas a superar sus problemas de la mano del deporte y una vida saludable.

''Cuando comencé, nunca imaginé que estaría donde estoy hoy. Solo quería recuperar mi salud y dejar mi medicamento. Cada puerta que atravesamos conduce a otra puerta y luego a otra. ¡Espero que todos sigan eligiendo crecer! Para aprender a amarte a ti mismo, cuídate mucho y atrévete a soñar y amar de nuevo con todo tu corazón'', finaliza MacDonald, quien siempre envía mensajes motivacionales a sus casi 400.000 seguidores en .

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3 years ago I began this long, slow journey and now I realize that there really isn’t any end to it. Each day I move in a direction based on my choices. Each month is a new milestone. Each year I seem to have changed so completely I think I can’t change any more and yet I do.💕💕 At this point, I truly realize that we are limitless. At any moment we can make a decision to change. No matter how difficult or challenging life is, we must remain steadfast in our aim and keep inching forward. When I got started I never imagined I’d be where I am today. I just wanted to get my health back and get off my medication. Each door we step through leads to another door and then another. I hope you all keep choosing to grow! To learn to love yourself, take the best care of yourself, and dare to dream and love with your whole heart again.🙏🙏 . Pink outfit by @womensbest . . #transformation #hope #justdoit.

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

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My tips to help you get started: 1. Really take stock of the things you want to change . Be clear in your mind what habits you want to change. Write those things down. Make a clear list! 2. Write out another list of the new habits you want to master to create a new you. Be clear. Be simple. Changing your life isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be. To make big changes we need to create new daily habits. That’s it. End of story. Focus on the habits. 🥰🥰 3. Get a nutrition plan and an exercise plan that you can follow for the long term. Be careful of fad diets that eliminate major food groups. You want this to be sustainable. Anyone can lose 10 lbs for a couple of months. You will want to be one of the few that transform for the long haul. That’s where the real benefits start racking up! 🔝🔝 4. Have an attitude of gratitude for the small successes. The more you can focus on what you’re doing right, the more confident and energized you’ll be to keep on going. You can’t beat yourself over the finish line folks. You’ve got to learn to truly love yourself unconditionally and keep on encouraging ourselves to grow in the right direction. ❤️ . Happy Friday! Sounds out, I got my guns out! With love, Joan XO . . . . . #fitover70 #agingbackwards #oldladygains #biceps #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #wellness #wisdom

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

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You know, sometimes the weight we really need to lose isn’t on our bodies, it’s something else. . A girl I grew up with came up to me in the gym the other day and demanded to know “Hey Joan, why ya wearing all that make up for?”. Now, I don’t think lipstick and mascara constitutes a lot of makeup, but couldn’t she have said, “Joan you look great, I haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been?”. That’s what my daughter pointed out to me. 😅 The next day another woman my age came up to me and said, “hey Joan, why ya training in your long underwear?”. This was her opinion of my two piece training outfit by @womensbest . 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now, what do you make of those two comments? Were they meant to be friendly or encouraging? Wouldn’t a better way of noticing what someone is wearing be, “That’s a cute outfit. Where did you get that from?”. Or if you see someone has made the effort to do their hair or something, couldn’t you be moved to say, “You look great today, I love your hair!”. Remember that old saying, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all? Now what does this have to do with my post? Well, I think over time we can really start to internalize this kind of negative attitude, and start talking down to ourselves too, throughout the day, “who do you think you are? Why bother with all that effort? Do you think you’re pretty or something? Stuck up aren’t you? You need to be brought down a peg or two! “... well, gals, I beg you, turn your back on those naysayers. Avoid negative people who only want to bring you down. Don’t internalize any of that negativity. Learn to love yourself, freely, and allow yourself to shine to your true potential. It’s not about arrogance, it’s about being wonderfully, joyously happy with your life, free to move and to be and to express yourself! I think a lot of the weight I gained was a protection against all the negativity that surrounded me, and the negativity that I allowed myself to internalize. I’d love to hear your thoughts, and if you’ve also experienced this kind of barbed commentary when you try to make an effort. As women, let’s chose to uplift each other. Together we are an unstoppable force! 💕💕

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

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Lat Pull downs 💕💕 My coach has me focusing on squeezing my shoulder blades down BEFORE I start pulling. I’m also focusing on keeping a wide chest, shoulders back, at the bottom of the exercise on. 😅😅 . The more I train, the more I learn. When I first started training it was all I could do to just lift the weights. My goal was just to get moving and lose that body fat. Now my goal has shifted to really being precise and trying to build up my body through good form and consistency. 👵🏼👵🏼 Don’t believe the naysayers who say we can’t build muscle as we get older. You see my before pictures. I was very overweight most of my life from about 50 onwards. Now I’m in my seventies and I can see more changes every year. 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ . I am not on HRT, though I don’t really have an opinion on it. I’ve achieved everything just through following a macros diet and training 5 days a week. Just be consistent, follow a good program, and keep trying to make small, daily improvements. With love, Joan 💕💕 . #fitover70 #fitspo #inspo #fatloss #weightliss #bodybuilding #girlswithmuscle

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el



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