Eliane Karp, wife of former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo, presents her defense against accusations of illicit enrichment --which also include Toledo, and her mother, Eva Fernemburg-- during a congressional investigation in Lima on October 28, 2013. AFP PHOTO/CRIS BOURONCLE (Photo by CRIS BOURONCLE / AFP)
Eliane Karp, wife of former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo, presents her defense against accusations of illicit enrichment --which also include Toledo, and her mother, Eva Fernemburg-- during a congressional investigation in Lima on October 28, 2013. AFP PHOTO/CRIS BOURONCLE (Photo by CRIS BOURONCLE / AFP)
Soine Díaz

huye a Israel para eludir la justicia peruana. Veinticinco de 69 legisladores que apoyaron son investigados. Fiscales del equipo Lava Jato buscan convertirse en jueces. Casos de en Lima llegan casi a 5.400 e infecciones en el país suman más de 73.000. Inter gana 2-0 al Milan en el derbi de ida por las semifinales de la Champions.

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