(Fotos: AFP)
Vogue X Meghan Markle
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Los rumores eran ciertos. ha sorprendido (una vez más) al mundo al presentarse como editora invitada de la edición de setiembre de British . Sí, la Duquesa de Sussex ha formado parte de la elaboración de una de las revistas más exitosas del mundo, por si fuera poco, en su edición más importante.

Han sido alrededor de siete meses el tiempo que Markle ha dedicado a esta colaboración, y no precisamente para ser la cara en portada. Más bien, Meghan ha cedido este lugar a un grupo de mujeres inspiradoras, que para ella califican como la 'voz femenina del cambio'.

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We are proud to announce that Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Sussex is the Guest Editor for the September issue of @BritishVogue. For the past seven months, The Duchess has curated the content with British Vogue's Editor-in-Chief Edward Enninful to create an issue that highlights the power of the collective. They have named the issue: “Forces for Change” For the cover, The Duchess chose a diverse selection of women from all walks of life, each driving impact and raising the bar for equality, kindness, justice and open mindedness. The sixteenth space on the cover, a mirror, was included so that when you hold the issue in your hands, you see yourself as part of this collective. The women on the cover include: @AdwoaAboah @AdutAkech @SomaliBoxer @JacindaArdern @TheSineadBurke @Gemma_Chan @LaverneCox @JaneFonda @SalmaHayek @FrankieGoesToHayward @JameelaJamilOfficial @Chimamanda_Adichie @YaraShahidi @GretaThunberg @CTurlington We are excited to announce that within the issue you’ll find: an exclusive interview between The Duchess and former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama, a candid conversation between The Duke of Sussex and Dr Jane Goodall, inspirational articles written by Brené Brown, Jameela Jamil and many others. Equally, you’ll find grassroots organisations and incredible trailblazers working tirelessly behind the scenes to change the world for the better. “Guest Editing the September issue of British Vogue has been rewarding, educational and inspiring. To deep dive into this process, working quietly behind the scenes for so many months, I am happy to now be able to share what we have created. A huge thanks to all of the friends who supported me in this endeavour, lending their time and energy to help within these pages and on the cover. Thank you for saying “Yes!” - and to Edward, thank you for this wonderful opportunity.” - The Duchess of Sussex #ForcesForChange

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La actriz Jane Fonda, la escritora feminista Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie y la modelo Adwoa Aboah son solo algunas de las figuras de este grupo, que se caracteriza en la diversidad de nacionalidades, profesiones, edades y sueños. Sin embargo, todas coinciden en un vértice: utilizan su nombre para construir algo positivo en el mundo.

“Estos últimos siete meses han sido un proceso gratificante, coordinando y colaborando con Edward Enninful, Editor in Chief de British Vogue, para tomar la edición más esperada del año y dirigir su enfoque hacia los valores, las causas y las personas que están teniendo impacto en el mundo hoy”, rescató Meghan Markle sobre la edición.

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A sneak peek of the #ForcesForChange video for the September Issue of @BritishVogue. Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Sussex is the first Guest Editor for British Vogue’s September Issue and for the last seven months has worked to create an issue of inclusivity and inspiration, focusing on what connects us rather than what divides us. Fifteen women were chosen for the cover including New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who generously lent her time to support The Duchess in this important issue. The women first met last autumn during Their Royal Highness’ official tour of New Zealand. Above, PM Ardern says: “One change that I’ve noticed over the course of my career, is just how polarised the world is now. I do think there is a solution to that though, and that’s ultimately us coming back to the humanity that we all share." Thank you PM Ardern for being an amazing force for change. For more details on this special project, please see previous post and stay tuned for more updates throughout the week.

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Por mencionar a profundidad solo algunas de las figuras seleccionadas por Markle en el 'september issue' de Vogue UK, tenemos a la actriz Yara Shahidi, que con colo 19 años fundó la plataforma informativa 'Eighteen x 18', promoviendo temas como el voto responsable; Salma Hayek, quien además de su carrera actoral es vocera de causas en favor de la mujer en el mundo, a través de la fundación 'Kering'; y Greta Thunberg, adolescente sueca activista por el medio ambiente y nominada al Premio Nobel de la Paz.

Como cereza del pastel, esta edición de Vogue también contará con una entrevista exclusiva a Michelle Obama, realizada nada más y nada menos que por Meghan Markle

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“Whatever your background, it’s easy to feel connected to Mrs Obama. There’s something magical about the way in which she draws you in with her endearingly frank, down-to-earth personality.” As First Lady of the United States, @MichelleObama forged a path as the nation’s mother-in-chief – and became a style icon in the process. Now, freed from White House protocol, she’s loosening up, but still dispensing immaculate advice. In a rare interview, she talks motherhood and maturity with #BritishVogue’s guest editor HRH The Duchess of Sussex @SussexRoyal. Read the full piece from the September 2019 issue via the link in bio. #MichelleObama photographed by @MillerMobley.

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